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Assembly Source File
892 lines
; Fast DES routines
; - Copyright 1991, Christian Beaumont
; This program is free software; you can
; redistribute it and/or modify it as you see fit.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it
; will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
; even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
.Model Small,C
Public FP
; -1
; Final Permutation FP = IP
FP db 39, 7,47,15,55,23,63,31
db 38, 6,46,14,54,22,62,30
db 37, 5,45,13,53,21,61,29
db 36, 4,44,12,52,20,60,28
db 35, 3,43,11,51,19,59,27
db 34, 2,42,10,50,18,58,26
db 33, 1,41, 9,49,17,57,25
db 32, 0,40, 8,48,16,56,24
Public PC1_C,PC1_D
; Permuted choice 1 from key bits
; to yield C and D.
; Parity check bits left out
PC1_C db 57,49,41,33,25,17, 9
db 1,58,50,42,34,26,18
db 10, 2,59,51,43,35,27
db 19,11, 3,60,52,44,36
PC1_D db 63,55,47,39,31,23,15
db 7,62,54,46,38,30,22
db 14, 6,61,53,45,37,29
db 21,13, 5,28,20,12, 4
Public PC2_C,PC2_D
; Permuted choice 2, to pick out the bits
; from the CD array that generates the key
PC2_C db 14,17,11,24, 1, 5
db 3,28,15, 6,21,10
db 23,19,12, 4,26, 8
db 16, 7,27,20,13, 2
PC2_D db 41,52,31,37,47,55
db 30,40,51,45,33,48
db 44,49,39,56,34,53
db 46,42,50,36,29,32
Public E
; The E bit-selection table
E db 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
db 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
db 8, 9,10,11,12,13
db 12,13,14,15,16,17
db 16,17,18,19,20,21
db 20,21,22,23,24,25
db 24,25,26,27,28,29
db 28,29,30,31,32, 1
Public P
; P is a permutation on the selected
; combination of the current L and key
P db 16, 7,20,21
db 29,12,28,17
db 1,15,23,26
db 5,18,31,10
db 2, 8,24,14
db 32,27, 3, 9
db 19,13,30, 6
db 22,11, 4,25
Public S
; The 8 selection functions
S db 14, 4,13, 1, 2,15,11, 8, 3,10, 6,12, 5, 9, 0, 7
db 0,15, 7, 4,14, 2,13, 1,10, 6,12,11, 9, 5, 3, 8
db 4, 1,14, 8,13, 6, 2,11,15,12, 9, 7, 3,10, 5, 0
db 15,12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5,11, 3,14,10, 0, 6,13
db 15, 1, 8,14, 6,11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2,13,12, 0, 5,10
db 3,13, 4, 7,15, 2, 8,14,12, 0, 1,10, 6, 9,11, 5
db 0,14, 7,11,10, 4,13, 1, 5, 8,12, 6, 9, 3, 2,15
db 13, 8,10, 1, 3,15, 4, 2,11, 6, 7,12, 0, 5,14, 9
db 10, 0, 9,14, 6, 3,15, 5, 1,13,12, 7,11, 4, 2, 8
db 13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6,10, 2, 8, 5,14,12,11,15, 1
db 13, 6, 4, 9, 8,15, 3, 0,11, 1, 2,12, 5,10,14, 7
db 1,10,13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4,15,14, 3,11, 5, 2,12
db 7,13,14, 3, 0, 6, 9,10, 1, 2, 8, 5,11,12, 4,15
db 13, 8,11, 5, 6,15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2,12, 1,10,14, 9
db 10, 6, 9, 0,12,11, 7,13,15, 1, 3,14, 5, 2, 8, 4
db 3,15, 0, 6,10, 1,13, 8, 9, 4, 5,11,12, 7, 2,14
db 2,12, 4, 1, 7,10,11, 6, 8, 5, 3,15,13, 0,14, 9
db 14,11, 2,12, 4, 7,13, 1, 5, 0,15,10, 3, 9, 8, 6
db 4, 2, 1,11,10,13, 7, 8,15, 9,12, 5, 6, 3, 0,14
db 11, 8,12, 7, 1,14, 2,13, 6,15, 0, 9,10, 4, 5, 3
db 12, 1,10,15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0,13, 3, 4,14, 7, 5,11
db 10,15, 4, 2, 7,12, 9, 5, 6, 1,13,14, 0,11, 3, 8
db 9,14,15, 5, 2, 8,12, 3, 7, 0, 4,10, 1,13,11, 6
db 4, 3, 2,12, 9, 5,15,10,11,14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8,13
db 4,11, 2,14,15, 0, 8,13, 3,12, 9, 7, 5,10, 6, 1
db 13, 0,11, 7, 4, 9, 1,10,14, 3, 5,12, 2,15, 8, 6
db 1, 4,11,13,12, 3, 7,14,10,15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2
db 6,11,13, 8, 1, 4,10, 7, 9, 5, 0,15,14, 2, 3,12
db 13, 2, 8, 4, 6,15,11, 1,10, 9, 3,14, 5, 0,12, 7
db 1,15,13, 8,10, 3, 7, 4,12, 5, 6,11, 0,14, 9, 2
db 7,11, 4, 1, 9,12,14, 2, 0, 6,10,13,15, 3, 5, 8
db 2, 1,14, 7, 4,10, 8,13,15,12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6,11
Public shifts
; Sequence shifts used for the key schedule
shifts db 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1
Public C C,D
; The C and D arrays used to calculate the
; key schedule
C db 28 dup(?)
D db 28 dup(?)
Public KSL,KSH
; Left and right 24 bits of keys
KSL dd 16 dup(?)
KSH dd 16 dup(?)
Public LR,L,R
; The current clock divided into two halfs
LR label byte
L db 32 dup(?)
R db 32 dup(?)
Public S0L,S1L,S2L,S3L,S4L,S5L,S6L,S7L
Public S0H,S1H,S2H,S3H,S4H,S5H,S6H,S7H
; Tables that combine S and P operations
S0L dd 64 dup(?)
S1L dd 64 dup(?)
S2L dd 64 dup(?)
S3L dd 64 dup(?)
S4L dd 64 dup(?)
S5L dd 64 dup(?)
S6L dd 64 dup(?)
S7L dd 64 dup(?)
S0H dd 64 dup(?)
S1H dd 64 dup(?)
S2H dd 64 dup(?)
S3H dd 64 dup(?)
S4H dd 64 dup(?)
S5H dd 64 dup(?)
S6H dd 64 dup(?)
S7H dd 64 dup(?)
onebits48 dw ?
tmpE db 48 dup(?)
stt dw S0L, S0H
dw S1L, S1H
dw S2L, S2H
dw S3L, S3H
dw S4L, S4H
dw S5L, S5H
dw S6L, S6H
dw S7L, S7H
Ll dd ?
Lh dd ?
Rl dd ?
Rh dd ?
_Dl dd ?
_Dh dd ?
spstore dw ?
bpstore dw ?
saltme dd ?
public baseptr
baseptr dd ?
DummySeg Segment Para Use16
_aa dd 64*64 dup(?)
_ab dd 64*64 dup(?)
_ac dd 64*64 dup(?)
_ad dd 64*64 dup(?)
DummySeg Ends
BigSeg1 Segment Para Use16
S0LS1L dd 64*64 dup(?)
S0HS1H dd 64*64 dup(?)
S2LS3L dd 64*64 dup(?)
S2HS3H dd 64*64 dup(?)
BigSeg1 Ends
BigSeg2 Segment Para Use16
S4LS5L dd 64*64 dup(?)
S4HS5H dd 64*64 dup(?)
S6LS7L dd 64*64 dup(?)
S6HS7H dd 64*64 dup(?)
BigSeg2 Ends
ASSUME FS:BigSeg1,GS:BigSeg2
Public sixbitTOtf
Public Fperm
Public undoe
Public toBA64
Public xform
Public Combiner
Public DoSelfMod
Public shortcrypt
Public fsetkey
COMB Macro Row,Col
local Loop0,Loop1
lea si,Row
lea bx,Col
mov bp,si
mov cx,64
push cx
mov si,bp
mov edx,[bx]
rol edx,16
shl dl,2
rol edx,16
shl dl,2
add ebx,4
mov cx,64
rol eax,16
shl al,2
rol eax,16
shl al,2
xor eax,edx
loop Loop0
pop cx
loop Loop1
Combiner Proc C Near
push si
push di
push bp
push es
mov ax,BigSeg1
mov es,ax
sub di,di
mov ax,BigSeg2
mov es,ax
sub di,di
mov bx,BigSeg1
mov fs,bx
mov bx,BigSeg2
mov gs,bx
pop es
pop bp
pop di
pop si
Combiner Endp
; Convert unsl in six bits per byte format
; to twenty-four bit contiguous format.
; Return result
sixbitTOtf Proc C Near
mov eax,DWord Ptr sb
shl al,2
shl ax,2
rol eax,16
shl al,2
shr ax,2
ror eax,4
mov dx,ax
ror eax,16
sixbitTOtf Endp
; Final Permutation
Fperm Proc C Near block
push si
push di
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
lea si,FP
mov di,Word Ptr block
lea bx,L
cmp si,Offset FP+64
jne @@Loop
pop di
pop si
Fperm Endp
; Inverse of E permutation
undoe Proc C Near
ARG fromarr:WORD,toarr:WORD
push si
push di
mov si,Word Ptr fromarr
mov di,Word Ptr toarr
sub cx,cx
mov bx,cx
shr bx,2
shl bx,1
mov ax,bx
shl bx,1
add bx,ax
mov ax,cx
and ax,3
add bx,ax
mov al,[bx + si + 1]
mov bx,cx
mov [bx + di],al
inc cx
cmp cx,32
jne @@Loop
pop di
pop si
undoe Endp
toBA64 Proc C Near
ARG quarters:WORD,onebits64:WORD
push si
mov bx,ds
mov es,bx
mov si,Word Ptr quarters ; get first quarter
mov eax,[si]
push eax
call sixbitTOtf
add sp,2
Looper = 0
rept 24
ror eax,1
setc [tmpE+Looper]
Looper = Looper +1
mov eax,[si+4]
push eax
call sixbitTOtf
add sp,2
rept 24
ror eax,1
setc [tmpE+Looper]
Looper = Looper +1
lea ax,L
push ax
lea ax,tmpE
push ax
call undoe
add sp,4
mov eax,[si+8]
push eax
call sixbitTOtf
add sp,2
Looper = 0
rept 24
ror eax,1
setc [tmpE+Looper]
Looper = Looper +1
mov eax,[si+12]
push eax
call sixbitTOtf
add sp,2
rept 24
ror eax,1
setc [tmpE+Looper]
Looper = Looper +1
lea ax,R
push ax
lea ax,tmpE
push ax
call undoe
add sp,4
mov ax,Word Ptr onebits64
push ax
call Fperm
pop ax
pop si
toBA64 Endp
BigMac1 Macro Inner
Local ModLow,ModHigh
mov ebp,esi
xor ebp,edi
and ebp,eax
mov ebx,ebp
xor ebx,esi
ModLow: xor ebx,12345678h ;KSL+Inner*4
xor ecx,S0LS1L[bx]
xor edx,S0HS1H[bx]
shr ebx,16
xor ecx,S2LS3L[bx]
xor edx,S2HS3H[bx]
xor ebp,edi
ModHigh: xor ebp,12345678h ;KSH+Inner*4
xor ecx,S4LS5L[bp]
xor edx,S4HS5H[bp]
shr ebp,16
xor ecx,S6LS7L[bp]
xor edx,S6HS7H[bp]
dw ModLow+3,ModHigh+3
BigMac2 Macro Inner
Local ModLow,ModHigh
mov ebp,ecx
xor ebp,edx
and ebp,eax
mov ebx,ebp
xor ebx,ecx
ModLow: xor ebx,12345678h ;KSL+Inner*4
xor esi,S0LS1L[bx]
xor edi,S0HS1H[bx]
shr ebx,16
xor esi,S2LS3L[bx]
xor edi,S2HS3H[bx]
xor ebp,edx
ModHigh: xor ebp,12345678h ;KSH+Inner*4
xor esi,S4LS5L[bp]
xor edi,S4HS5H[bp]
shr ebp,16
xor esi,S6LS7L[bp]
xor edi,S6HS7H[bp]
dw ModLow+3,ModHigh+3
SelfModTab Label Word
; Encrypt that block.
xform Proc C Near
;ARG quarters:WORD,saltvalue:DWORD
push si
push di
mov spstore,sp
mov bpstore,bp
;mov eax,saltvalue ;not needed without the arg
;rol eax,16
;shl al,2
;rol eax,16
;shl al,2
sub ecx,ecx
sub edx,edx
sub esi,esi
sub edi,edi
sub sp,sp
BigMac1 0
BigMac2 1
BigMac1 2
BigMac2 3
BigMac1 4
BigMac2 5
BigMac1 6
BigMac2 7
BigMac1 8
BigMac2 9
BigMac1 10
BigMac2 11
BigMac1 12
BigMac2 13
BigMac1 14
BigMac2 15
xchg ecx,esi
xchg edx,edi
inc sp
cmp sp,25
je @@Quit
jmp @@Loop
mov baseptr,ebp
mov bp,bpstore
mov sp,spstore
mov eax,ecx
mov ebx,edx
mov ecx,esi
mov edx,edi
;rol eax,16
;shr al,2
;rol eax,16
;shr al,2
;rol ebx,16
;shr bl,2
;rol ebx,16
;shr bl,2
;rol ecx,16
;shr cl,2
;rol ecx,16
;shr cl,2
;rol edx,16
;shr dl,2
;rol edx,16
;shr dl,2
;mov si,Word Ptr quarters
;mov [si],eax
;mov [si+4],ebx
;mov [si+8],ecx
;mov [si+12],edx
pop di
pop si
xform Endp
; Self modify the transform to use new
; Key schedule
DoSelfMod Proc Near
push si
Inner = 0
rept 16
mov eax,KSL+Inner*4
mov ebx,KSH+Inner*4
mov si,SelfModTab+Inner*4
mov cs:[si],eax
mov si,SelfModTab+Inner*4+2
mov cs:[si],ebx
Inner = Inner + 1
pop si
DoSelfMod Endp
_out96 dd 4 dup(?)
shortcrypt Proc C Near
ARG out96:WORD,saltvalue:DWORD
push si
mov eax,saltvalue
;push eax
;lea ax,_out96
;push ax
call xform
;add sp,6
mov si,out96
and eax,1e781e78h
cmp eax,[si]
jne @@NoGood
and ebx,1e781e78h
cmp ebx,[si+4]
jne @@NoGood
and ecx,1e781e78h
cmp ecx,[si+8]
jne @@NoGood
and edx,1e781e78h
cmp edx,[si+12]
jne @@NoGood
mov ax,1
pop si
mov ax,0
pop si
shortcrypt Endp
fsetkey Proc C Near
push si
push di
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
sub si,si
mov bx,key
dec bx
mov cx,28
mov al,PC1_C[si]
mov C[si],al
mov al,PC1_D[si]
mov D[si],al
inc si
loop @@Loop
sub dx,dx
sub bx,bx
movzx cx,shifts[bx]
push cx
mov al,C[0]
mov cx,27
lea di,C
lea si,C+1
rep movsb
mov C[27],al
mov al,D[0]
mov cx,27
lea di,D
lea si,D+1
rep movsb
mov D[27],al
pop cx
loop @@Loop2
shl bx,2
sub eax,eax
sub si,si
mov cx,24
mov dl,PC2_C[si]
mov di,dx
or al,C[di-1]
ror eax,1
inc si
loop @@Loop3
ror eax,8
shl eax,4
shr ax,2
rol eax,16
rol ax,2
rol eax,16
mov KSL[bx],eax
sub eax,eax
sub si,si
mov cx,24
mov dl,PC2_D[si]
mov di,dx
or al,D[di-28-1]
ror eax,1
inc si
loop @@Loop4
ror eax,8
shl eax,4
shr ax,2
rol eax,16
rol ax,2
rol eax,16
mov KSH[bx],eax
shr bx,2
inc bx
cmp bx,16
je @@Quit
jmp @@Loop1
pop di
pop si
fsetkey Endp